Engineering a brighter future, one pixel at a time. I specialize in designing web experiences that empower everyday users.

I have always loved making things with a computer. My first introduction to computers was at the age of 9 when my father brought home a Dell desktop. It didn't have a powerful processor or fluid animations, but it had enough to make me fall in love with the world of computers.

In the summer of 2017, I was contemplating switching from chemical engineering to computer engineering. I had always loved computers but was never into the idea of coding. Unhappy with my current major, I decided to give coding a try and joined a Treehouse Swift programming online course. It was an eye-opener. I was able to write code in the editor, and things magically happened on the screen. Right then and there, I decided to switch to computer engineering and never look back.

In 2020, I was brainstorming ideas for my capstone project. I didn't want to just build something that would get me the marks to pass my course and graduate. I wanted to build something meaningful to me. So, along with three of my colleagues, we built a web app that allows people with hearing and speech impairments to communicate with Alexa. I designed the user interface, and the team and I built the app using JavaScript and TensorFlow. We barely knew what we were doing at the time 😅 and had to watch a ton of YouTube videos and spend our nights going through every Stack Overflow post related to TensorFlow and JavaScript. However, this experience was enough for me to fall in love with design and web development and pursue it as a career choice.

Fresh out of college, I joined a local company in the UAE called Al-Tawar as an IT professional. My job was to maintain the company's website, along with the rest of the IT team, support the engineering staff with IT-related issues, and coordinate with the rest of the team regarding feature deployment. During my time at Al-Tawar, I was also working as a freelancer on the side. Over the span of two years, I designed and built three websites: one for a personal trainer, one for a multinational oil and gas company, and one for a services company.

Today, I lead Nuqta, a software company specializing in crafting and building pixel-perfect web experiences. We are a small team of curious people, with a deep love for the digital craft, relentlessly building user-centric solutions that empower everyday people.